May 9, 2024

THE ATTITUDE – streaming live at Part one: AlterNet Senior Editor Lynn Stuart Parramore Goldman Sachs’ Outrageous Scheme to Profit Off Jailed Young Offenders Too-big-to-jail Wall Street is ripping off taxpayers with a “social impact bond.¤t_page=1#bookmark Part two: UNH Law Professor John Greabe discusses the Hobby Lobby case heard by the Supreme Court on Tuesday. Hobby Lobby the Supreme Court’s birth control case or is it? But a document published here ( for the first time reveals Hobby Lobby appears to be going much further than protecting freedom, providing funding for a group that backs a political network of activist groups deeply engaged in pushing a Christian agenda into American law. The document shows entities related to the company to be two of the largest donors to the organization funding a right-wing Christian agenda, investing tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars into a vast network of organizations working in concert to advance an agenda that would allow businesses to discriminate against gays and lesbians and deny their employees contraceptives under a maximalist interpretation of the Free Exercise Clause of the United States Constitution. The Attitude host Arnie Arnesen – follow her at her twitter feed pchowder Blogger Susan Bruce – follow her at