April 25, 2024
What does Ella think?
Ella McGrail is a 15 year old Blogger at Portsmouth Herald, she writes under Civic Teen…her posts are here:
Today her thoughts on:
Food aka The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollen
Rethink the Week
Jeff Feingold editor of the NH Business Review
Fergus Cullen fmr Chair of the NH Republican Party and founder of Americans by Choice
topics and links:
Cuba…McConnell: we will not confirm an ambassador

McConnell will not comment on Trump or Cruz

Jimmy Carter: Hillary will inevitably get the nomination because money dominates
Trump compares himself to Ronald Reagan when asked about party switching
Did the GOP create Trump?
Weiner on Bernie..yeah Anthony Weiner
Bernie: I am a great fan of the Pope…he is right-capitalism is causing devastating problems
Hillary’s economic agenda…roll out today

No Geography for Dummies Today